The 4 Key Concepts Of Home Remedies for Heartburn.

Home Remedies for Heartburn should be a part of your treatment regime for you to live a life that is free from heartburn. Heartburn is common among Americans, every other race and may be very severe. It is as a result of stomach acid backing up into the esophagus and causing irritation which present itself as a painful burning sensation in the middle of the chest, sometimes radiating to the upper back region behind the breast bone and your arms. This backing up or seeping of stomach acid into the esophagus causing pain and irritation is known as acid reflux. 

Sometimes this burning sensation finds its way up to your neck. If the heartburn happens more than two times in a week or its persistent, it is diagnose as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).Though it is not everyone with acid reflux suffers from heartburn, and some people with heartburn symptoms may not actually have gerd but may have other conditions causing this pain. So it is best advisable you contact your doctor to confirm what is causing the heartburn.  

You may be aware that antacids and other medications help calm the burning and cure the disease, but I can tell you that if not supplemented with heartburn home remedies, you may be place on medications for years without significant improvement and that was my case – four years of severe heartburn pain and gerd. Sometimes one finds himself relying on antacids for life. The good news is that home remedies have proven to help me and others more that antacids in managing and cure of heartburn.   
  • Home Remedies for Heartburn – What are they?
Home remedies for Heartburn are the things you can do on your own at home to avoid been plague with heartburn and be free from its symptoms. Home Remedies for Heartburn centres on diet and lifestyle changes that guarantees solution for acid reflux and heartburn relief.

I broadly categorized the concepts of home remedies for heartburn into 4 categories namely: diet switch; avoidance of heartburn triggers; developing a healthy lifestyle, and use of natural heartburn remedies.     
  • Home Remedies for Heartburn Concept 1 – Diet Switch. 

Are you a fat eater? It is time to change to less fatty food. Fatty foods tend to stay longer in the stomach, and the longer they're there, the more likely you feel discomfort and pressure in your stomach which usually end up in heartburn pains. 

You have to also change from eating much of fried food to more of cooked and grilled food. Learn to eat more fiber to keep your digestive tract moving and healthy. Reduce your portion sizes and eat slowly. Try eating five or six small meals, every four hours a day, rather than three big sizes. Eating too much at once is number one cause of heartburn. Do you like those cafeteria spicy and peppery foods? Find alternatives!

  • Home Remedies for Heartburn 2 – Avoid Heartburn triggers.

There are specific foods that trigger your heartburn apart from fatty food. It is good you identify the ones you eat and avoid them.  Major culprits are peppermint, caffeine, sodas, chocolate, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, and onions. Do you want to know your heartburn triggers? Make a list of what you eat and note the ones that triggers the heartburn and avoid them. This is important because, certain food those others with the same problem will eat and don’t feel the symptoms may trigger your own. I remember been told by my doctor that I can take malt drink but that is hell for me if I try it especially in the evening.   

  •  Home Remedies for Heartburn 3 – Develop a Healthy Lifestyle.  

You should expect to have heartburn if you continue smoking with acid reflux. When you smoke the effectiveness of the muscle that keeps acids in the stomach reduce and acid can easily back up into the esophagus. If you are a smoker and the same time suffering from heartburn it is the perfect time to quit. 

Another healthy lifestyle is to eat at least two hours before going to bed. This is important so that your stomach has a chance to empty before you lie down so that there could be less pressure. Also raise the head of your bed to about 6 inches. Using your pillows is not effective for heartburn.  

Over weight is one of the heartburn causes. Excess fat in the abdomen presses against the stomach, causing acids to back up into the esophagus. Follow a diet plan and exercise to shed extra body fat.
Not exercise like yoga that exerts pressure on the stomach. Long walk is enough.

Through out this site you will find information that will definitely help you overcome your heartburn. Don't hesitate to try using them to get heartburn relief. I am concern about you living a life that is free from heartburn pain as an "ex-sufferer". You can continue using your medications but they may not help without Home Remedies for Heartburn. 

  •  Use natural heartburn remedies that work well with your body system.

There are various natural heartburn remedy products out there you can use to relief your symptoms until it finally goes away. For example vinegar, chamomile tea,  almond tea, honey, and fennel.